Hands down, my favorite grappler of all time. From the very instant I started watching pro-rasslin', which dated way back to my upper secondary school days, I fell in love with the larger-than-life Hulk Hogan persona. In my opinion, he is to sports entertainment (an adroit euphemism for 'professional wrestling') what Michael Jordan is to basketball. Not only did I worship The Immortal One like a hero, I also bought into the whole Hulkamania movement - hook, line and sinker. I remember the 6'7" behemoth with those famed (and feared) "24-inch pythons" always used to tell his little Hulkamaniacs to say their prayers and take their vitamins (before he proceeded to rip his shirt). Hehe.
P/S: Favorite Hulkster match? Too many to name! LOL.
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