Drive-in Cinema

Had been brought to an aforementioned outdoor screening of Samuel Hui's ACES GO PLACES with parents and relatives before the birth of cineplexes. Can still recall those metallic speaker stands and soft home mattresses on car hoods.
Youngsters today really don't know what they're missing...
Hi Mr Tan,
I came across your blog posting while googling for Jurong Drive in Cinema and I understand that you have fond memories of that place?
I'm currently working on a project that wishes to document interesting sights and sounds of Jurong, and I'm very interested in this Drive in Cinema because it is such an interesting concept which the younger generation has no idea of.
Hence I hope you'll be able to share with me your precious memories and experiences in the cinema.
Please drop me a message, or an email at
I look forward to your reply.
Thanks a lot!
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