A postcard view from my fourth-storey balcony this morning (at 7.50 a.m., to be precise) before I stepped out of the house. Picturesque, eh? :-) Every morning, this 20-ish young lady staying downstairs will walk her pet pooch across the street. On weekends, you can also see families flying kites on the open field behind. Ahh, Bukit Ho Swee is such a serene estate to live in (and grow old). Go, PAP, go!
Very nice blog.I have only read about country. You live in a beautiful country and if i get a chance i will very soon visit Singapore.
Hi! Thanks for the compliments! Singapore is, indeed, a beautiful and *clean* Garden City. Please do visit us if you have the chance ;-)
Love the scenery. Sengkang is so packed. You are indeed fortunate to stay in Bukit Ho Swee...
It's a really old estate?, but the food here beats anywhere I know. I love waking up in Bukit Ho Swee :-)
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